First Visual Novel Pumky ever made (well... second but the first one is undeniably boring). It's not great, it's pretty lame compared to what can actually be done with these, but it's a cute little 10-20 minute play through. Pumky discovered the ability to write VNs recently and thought he'd give it a try. 

Pumky is definitely going to keep working on making these. He highly enjoys this medium in which one can tell a story that has music and audio cues go along with it and the player immersion is a fun aspect.

Any feedback is appreciated. Pumky thinks for the near future he'll be leaning more towards writing novels that are more heavy on story that one can immerse themselves through reading and listening, rather than by making too many choices the player interacts with.

If you think this one sucks, great! You and Pumky have something in common. Pumky comes from a storytelling background so he's not great with coding. He's looking to collaborate with someone savvy on the technical side, while he can write characters, story, and dialogue.

Pumky didn't even bother updating the main menu beyond music and a picture...  he didn't change the application icon... This is literally just to get his lil' tippy toes wet. 

Pumky is also not an 'artist' so the sprites and backgrounds were generated using whatever free software he had at his fingertips... well Google's fingertips. All are credited in the 'ABOUT' section. Looking to work with artists in the future once he's able to pay them for their hard work and talent.

Thanks for reading this section. Wrap yourself up in fuzzy feelings and good vibes. Be safe, be healthy, be well and have fun... but not too much fun. Pumky doesn't like it when people have fun without him.

Be aggressively progressive.

Pumky would like to thank everyone.

Pumky love you.


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Install instructions

At the top of the page, you can play in your browser. There may be some audio lags and issues (especially when using a mobile device) if using the browser version, but it may be more convenient for some. 

Download ZIP file for either PC or Mac - UNzip and save wherever you want - Double click application icon to play - Delete after consumption if you don't want it wasting space on your drive.

You can left click or press your spacebar to advance the story forward. Or adjust your "auto-forward time" speed in the 'PREFERENCES' section then click 'auto' at the bottom of the screen for hands-free progression until you get to a choice needing to be made.

Development log

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